
I grew up with electronics.  My dad is a programmer, IT consultant, and holographer.  I was submersed in tech as a kid.  I had an Amiga 2000, the first cell phone, first Palm Pilot (US Robotics), etc… I’m an early adopter.  I play video games, I like home automation, I tinker in CAD, 3D printing parts, and blockchain.


The vaporware of 2000 led me to want to create physical products that I could put on store shelves.  I started with importing coffee from Hawaii (Hula Beans), then went on to making a Caffeine Infused Vodka (Vicious Vodka), and played around with a joint & ligament supplement (Jiu-Jitsu Joints).  


I have studied Martial Arts for most of my life and hope to never stop.  I also enjoy Scuba Diving and ocean sports when I can.  I had to give up on Dirt Biking.